
With an exciting assortment of tournaments and side events, from scholastic, collegiate and blitz tournaments to parent workshops to a grandmaster simul, there is something for everyone! In addition to the events listed below, there will be a "skittles" room open throughout the day for participants to play chess. 

NOTE: Events and event times are subject to change.

Festival Schedule 2017 Round Time Room
Opening Ceremony 11:00 TBA
Scholastic Tournament 1 11:30 TBA
2 12:00 TBA
3 13:00 TBA
4 13:30 TBA
Collegiate Tournament 1 11:30 TBA
2 12:00 TBA
3 12:30 TBA
Parents Workshop 11:45-12:45 TBA
Ultimate Moves Challenge 14:00-15:30 Key West Foyer
Blitz Tournament (with Cash Prizes!) 16:00-17:30 TBA
Simul with GM Lars Bo Hansen TBA TBA
Closing 18:00